The Driving test new rules during the pandemic

Theory test oxford resumed for learner drivers on 4 July. Driving lessons in England also resumed on 4 July, to give learners the chance to practice before driving tests restart, with driving tests able resume from Wednesday 22 July.

Booking a Driving test in Oxford

Learners whose tests were cancelled due to the pandemic are being invited to rebook a test first.

Once this has been completed and critical workers have also taken their test, the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) will open the booking service to the general public.

If you did not have a test booked before lockdown, you cannot currently book a new driving test.However, if you did have a test booked before lockdown, but it was cancelled, then DVSA will email you again to ask you to go online and choose your preferred date and time for your test.

If you live in England, these emails will start to be sent: from 16 July 2020 in batches, in order of when tests should have originally taken place However, it might take several weeks for you to get your email, depending on when your test was originally scheduled.

DVSA is urging learners to speak to their instructor before booking their driving test , in order to make sure that they are still well prepared and up to test standard.

On Test Day

On the day of your Driving test in Oxford, you must not arrive any earlier than five minutes before your scheduled test.

Waiting areas at test centres will be closed, to reduce the risk of the virus spreading.

However, if you need to use the toilet they will be available on request.

It is important that the inside of your car is clean.

The examiner will use an anti-virus wipe on the passenger door and any surfaces they need to touch ahead of the test.

Staying safe

A number of measures have been put in place to keep examiners and those taking the test safe.

Every examiner will be wearing a face covering for the duration of the test.

They may also wear disposable gloves and seat covers.

Your driving instructor will not be allowed to sit in the back of the car during the test like they previously could.

Face coverings

Everyone taking their test will be required to wear a face covering, apart from a few exceptions.

If you have a good reason to not wear one, you need to declare this at the time of booking your test.

Accepted reasons for not wearing a face-covering include if:

  • You have a physical or mental illness or impairment, or a disability that means you cannot put on, wear or remove a face covering
  • Putting on, wearing or removing a face covering would cause you severe distress
  • You need to remove it during your test to avoid harm or injury or the risk of harm or injury to yourself or others

You will need to remove your face covering briefly so that your examiner can check your ID.

Anyone who turns up without a face covering, and hasn’t previously declared that they can’t wear one will have their test cancelled.

If you have any problems with your face covering during your test, your examiner will ask you to pull over so you can adjust it.

If you make a mistake

Normally, you don’t find out if you have passed or failed until after your test is complete.

However, now if you make a serious error, which means you have failed your test, you will be instructed to return to the test centre in Oxford and the test will end.

This is to reduce the amount of time spent in the car.

If you make a minor mistake, which doesn’t mean you have failed, you can continue.

After the test

Once the test has finished, you will be asked to leave the vehicle once parked up.

You can invite your instructor over to be with you when you get your results.

This has also been introduced to reduce the amount of time spent in the car.

When to not come to your test

The DVSA has said that there are certain circumstances when you should not attend your test.

You must not attend if:

  • You or someone you live with has coronavirus symptoms
  • You have been contacted by the NHS Test and Trace service and told that you’ve been in contact with a person who has coronavirus
  • If you have returned to the UK in the last 14 days unless it is from one of the UK’s ‘travel corridors’

You will be able to rearrange your test for free, as long as it is no less than three days beforehand.

If you have received a letter from your GP saying that you are clinically extremely vulnerable from coronavirus you shouldn’t take your test yet.

The DVSA recommends you don’t book a test until shielding has been paused, which is on August 1.

Posted on Jul 24, 2020 by Sam

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The Driving test new rules during the pandemic